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Le beaujolais nouveau est arrivé!!

Brunssum, Netherlands - The 17th of November, exactly a week after the last release of Beaujolais nouveau wine, Joint Force Command Brunssum celebrated the event at the International Conference Centre. November is traditionally a month without happy social events, a month of remembrance, a month of cold, windy and rainy weather; with one exception - the French Beaujolais Nouveau reception!
All over the world French people are gathering together, inviting friends to taste the new wine. In Brunssum this event was also celebrated. More than 800 people, members of Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum, former members, community members and their spouses, accepted an invitation from Brigadier General GOUDEAU to attend the Beaujolais Nouveau party. It is well known that even far abroad where soldiers are experiencing isolation and deprivation, French troops’ know-how will always ensure wine is shipped on time!!
Guests were able to enjoy French cheeses and delicacies that were provided to accompany the new wine.
Members of Brunssum’s French Staff Association joined forces with the French Spouses association, under the coordination of Colonel Michel, to  demonstrate their outstanding ability to organize and manage this event.  The end result was a hugely successful evening enhanced by the provision of background music and a band that performed traditional songs.
The Brunssum community is already looking forward to next year’s release that will occur around the third Thursday of November.  It is not too early to mark your calendars!

 Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands

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Attn: Media Section
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands