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AFNORTH International School College and University Fair

Brunssum, The Netherlands - American and Canadian middle high school sections at AFNORTH International School (AIS) held their second annual International College and University Fair in early November.  High school seniors, along with other students looking ahead, came out to explore their education options. 
Many parents were also on hand to guide their children in their research.  There were even a few elementary students speaking with the recruiters and demonstrating that it’s never too early to think about our future.  Thirteen college and university recruiters attended the fair, while over thirty colleges and universities sent information so the alumni and staff could speak on their behalf.  Colleges and universities represented came from Canada, Germany, The Netherlands, Spain and the United States.
Canadian counsellor Maria Lunney and US counsellor Deborah Kehoe did an outstanding job of organizing and promoting the event.  AFNORTH is proud of our record of helping students find higher education experiences around the world.

Story by Mr Erich Remisch, AIS Staff

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The Netherlands

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