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AFNORTH International School International Awards

Brunssum, the Netherlands - Tuesday, June 4th, AFNORTH International School (AIS) celebrated the achievements of a number of its students.  This was the fifty-first rendition of this annual event, which brings the school and JFC HQ Brunssum communities together.  The International Awards evening has become a tradition in that the Commander of JFC Brunssum presents the most prestigious prize, the Graf von Kielmannsegg Award.  This award was initiated by the first Commander of the AFCENT Headquarters in 1967 and the expectation is that it encourages and stimulates students, not only to embrace international opportunities, but also to learn to respect and deepen understanding of differences, thus becoming better prepared for life in a vastly changing world.

The European Council of International School Award and the Jean Elder Award are presented to students who have excelled in International initiatives and have participated in simulations such as Model European Parliament, Harvard Model Congress Europe and Model United Nations.  The recipients of these awards went beyond their school boundaries to seek connection with peers from around the world to discuss and debate issues that affect all generations and cultures.  The David Newell Award acknowledges both a female and male students for their outstanding contributions and experiences in sport, team spirit, collegiality as well as perseverance and leadership skills. Students with artistic talents are celebrated through the Fine Art Awards (Music, Visual Art and Drama).  The final two categories are the Director’s Award for one student per national section who has contributed to the operations of the National Section.  The Student Service Awards celebrates those students who have contributed the most to school life and to a variety of events initiated to bring forth that typical AFNORTH International School spirit.

The evening is complemented with powerful musical performances by students from AIS and is followed by a small reception after the official programme.  Once again a highly enjoyable and successful evening for which AFNORTH International School would like to thank all those who have contributed and most of all the students who have embraced the spirit of AFNORTH and the challenge of Graf von Kielmannsegg.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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