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Brunssum Civilian Staff Association Annual Long Service Awards

Brunssum, the Netherlands - Thursday 31 May the Brunssum Civilian Staff Association conducted its annual Long Service Awards Ceremony in the International Conference Centre.  The VIP presenting the awards on this occasion was Air Commodore Andrew Huggett RAF, the JFC Brunssum Director of Management.
Awards for 15 years of service were given to:
    Mr Johan Lammineur
    Mr Philippe Puttaert
    Mr Pedro Rodgrigues
    Mr Raf Ruiters
    Mr Niels Thomsen

The following also qualified for an award for 15 years of service but were unable to attend:

    Mr Sascha Berberich
    Mr Leon Kuipers
    Mr Stuart Smith

In an insightful speech Air Commodore Huggett highlighted the importance of the support provided to military colleagues both in terms of continuity and the availability of skillsets not normally found in the military.  Further, he stated that NATO functions ‘stronger together’ as a result of the robust bond between military and civilian personnel.  On completion he toasted the awardees and broader civilian element.

Following an excellent ceremony the opportunity was taken to transition to a BBQ event which was universally enjoyed.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office   

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6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands

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