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Sep 20 2022

Brunssum International Veterans Day

Brunssum, The Netherlands – An International Veterans Day was conducted in the town of Brunssum, Saturday 17 September. The programme started promptly at 1130 with a memorial service on the Lindeplein and, inter alia, included a Veterans Parade through the town, with a number of organizations and military vehicles participating. Notably, amongst attending VIPs, Mr Emile Roemer (the King’s Commissioner of Limburg) was in attendance and made a heartwarming speech.

_nato4 At the memorial service, amongst others, wreaths were laid in recognition of the sacrifice and ongoing contribution made by veterans of all nations to global peace and security by: Mr Remko Lust (Chairman Brunssum Veterans Association); Mrs Wilma van der Rijt (Mayor of Brunssum); General Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta (Commander JFC Brunssum) & Chief Petty Officer 1st Class Stanley Ryan (JFC Brunssum Senior Enlisted Leader); Major General Jan-Willem Maas (Deputy Chief of Staff Plans JFC Brunssum) & Colonel Marco Zeemeijer (Netherlands Senior National Representive JFC Brunssum).

General Miglietta, together with Mrs van der Rijt, Major General Maas, Colonel Zeemeijer and Major Marco Kroon (holder of the highest NLD military honour – the Militaire Willems Orde, took the Veterans` Parade salute.

An outstanding event in every respect, the day was a fitting tribute to veterans.


Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands

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6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands