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Brunssum Remembers the Fallen

Brunssum, the Netherlands - In conjunction with The Foundation of the Brunssum War Cemetery, the British contingent of JFC Brunssum joined the local Dutch community to pay respect to those who have died in conflict.
The British War cemetery in Brunssum contains 328 graves and, as such, is one of the biggest British War Cemeteries in the Province of Limburg.  This is the 99th successive year in which these brave servicemen, who made the ultimate sacrifice so that we could enjoy peace, have been honored.  Amongst those who laid wreaths were the Mayor of Brunssum (Mr Luc Winants), Air Commodore Andy Huggett and Mr Remco Lust, accompanied by his son Waylen, of the Brunssum Veterans Organization.
The guest of honor was Major Marco Kroon, Knight of the Military William Order (this is the highest honor in the Netherlands and is bestowed for the performance of exceptional acts of Bravery, Leadership and Loyalty in battle).  Major Kroon is the first member of this very exclusive Order in over half a century.  Also in attendance was member of parliament, Mrs Chantal Nijkerken.
Immediately following the remembrance event a second small ceremony was conducted in front of the cemetery entrance; Major Kroon, the Mayor, Mrs Nijkerken and Air Commodore Huggett  unveiled a small monument to pay further tribute to those who have fallen in battle.


Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands

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6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands