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City of Maastricht Officials Visit JFC Brunssum

Brunssum, Netherlands -  Thursday September 14 Joint Force Command Brunssum was honoured to host a group of 32 officials from the City of Maastricht’s Department of Economics and Culture.  This session, part of a larger annual team building day programme, was conducted at the headquarters’ International Conference Centre with the objective of expanding comprehension of NATO, its values/ongoing challenges, and informing specifically on the tasks and responsibilities of JFC Brunssum.
Opening remarks were made by both the Commander of JFC Brunssum, General Salvatore Farina, and the Mayor of Brunssum, Mr Luc Winants.  After extending a warm welcome to his guests General Farina underlined the strong bond of friendship that exists between the NATO Headquarters based in Brunssum and its host town and province, especially following highly successful 50th anniversary celebrations that were co-hosted by the town and the JFC on 31 May.  For his part Mayor Winants reinforced the remarks of the commander and, with the responsibilities of the visitors in mind, went on to explain the beneficial economic impact of a NATO HQs to its host town.
Briefings followed that described the structure of NATO, JFC Brunssum’s position within the military command chain, and the primary tasks of JFC Brunssum: enabling NATO’s Resolute Support mission in Afghanistan; contributing to the Alliance’s Deterrence and Defence posture (inter alia via, NATO Response Force, enhanced Forward Presence, NATO Forward Integration Units responsibilities); and Regional Focus engagement within the HQs’ area of responsibility.  A second briefing outlined the importance of Civil/Military Cooperation and a Comprehensive Approach whereby the military strive to provide a stable environment for other actors to work and improve the quality of peoples’ lives.  A lively question and answer session concluded the session.
The programme concluded with an interactive buffet lunch where guests were joined by General Farina, Mayor Winants, Mrs Catherine Royle (JFC Brunssum Political Advisor) and a number of JFC Brunssum staff.
Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands

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Public Affairs Office
Attn: Media Section
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands