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Curios Thrift Shop

The Brunssum community is used to seeing newcomers arrive and old friends depart.  As we bid farewell to some colleagues, we eagerly anticipate the arrival of families with whom we can forge new friendships.  Of course, no one needs to be reminded how difficult the first few weeks can be for families trying to settle into a new home, a new job, new schools, and so on.  But the UK community can help to ease some of the problems with an ingenious solution.  Borrowing on an idea seen in many garrison towns around the world, a thrift shop has been established.  

The idea is very simple; families that are leaving Brunssum can donate unwanted items to the thrift shop.  Newly-arrived families can then buy pre-owned and upcycled goods at reasonable prices.  After overheads and expenses have been paid, all profits are returned to the community through the UK Community Fund or monetary donations are made to worthy charities.

The Thrift Shop is called "Curios” from the Nineteenth-Century usage of the word for curiosities – items of interest and bric-a-brac.  As well as clothing and useful items for the home, you will also find books, DVD’s and fancy dress (for Carnival or Masquerade Ball).  Take some time to wander around and who knows what you will discover?  It is located within Building 603; the same building that houses many of the National Delegations.  Opening times are posted on the notice board outside Curios, and also on Facebook, at www.facebook.com/curiosthrift.

Unpaid volunteers from the UK community manage the shop, but all NATO ID card holders and occasional visitors to the Camp are welcome to browse, purchase, or donate.  In this way, families leaving the area can directly help those who may soon be arriving.  We are pleased to have recently made cash donations to The Blue Cross and The Motor Neurone Disease Association, and will soon be making donations to Alzheimer's Research and Royal Star and Garter Homes.  With your help, we can donate to even more charities.  We look forward to receiving your suggestions for future worthy charities.
Story by Lt Phil Morrison GBR-N

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