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First International Veterans Day in Brunssum

1 October; The first International Veterans Day took place in the town of Brunssum. Commencing with a memorial service at the site of the WWII American Soldier in Dorpstraat, the programme embraced a Veterans Parade through the town (Dorpstraat to Linderplein), a static military vehicle display, a number of stalls selling military memorabilia, a range of attractions / activities for children and an evening concert with proceeds being donated to local veterans charities.  

Amongst others, wreaths were laid in recognition of the sacrifice and ongoing contribution made by veterans to global peace and security by: Mayor Luc Winants (Brunssum Mayor); General Salvatore Farina (Commander JFC Brunssum); Lieutenant General Bart Hoitink (Inspector General of the Dutch Armed Forces); and Wing Commander James Lafferty (on behalf of the British Embassy in the Netherlands).

An outstanding event in every respect the day was a fitting tribute to veterans and its success attributable to dedicated and conscientious planning.

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands

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6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands