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French delegation pays tribute to the 13 soldiers who died for France


Brunssum, The Netherlands – Monday 2nd December,  Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum – The French contingent held a minute of silence to honour the memory of the 13 French soldiers who died for France in Mali.


Brigadier General Jérôme Goisque, French Senior National Representative, addressed the French contingent and stressed that ''not only are their deaths a painful loss to their families and friends, but we feel this loss across the French Army and throughout the entire military community”.


The National tribute ceremony will take place today at the Invalides monument in Paris, where France traditionally pays tribute to fallen soldiers and national heroes :


From the 5th Combat Helicopter Regiment

  • Capitaine Nicolas MEGARD
  • Capitaine Benjamin GIREUD
  • Capitaine Clément FRISON-ROCHE
  • Lieutenant Alex MORISSE
  • Lieutenant Pierre BOCKEL
  • L'adjudant-chef Julien CARETTE
  • Le brigadier-chef Romain SALLES DE SAINT PAUL

From the 93rd Mountain Artillery Regiment

  • Le maréchal des logis-chef Jérémy LEUSIE

From the 4th "Hunter" Regiment

  • Le capitaine Romain CHOMEL DE JARNIEU
  • Le maréchal des logis-chef Alexandre PROTIN
  • Le maréchal des logis Antoine SERRE
  • Le maréchal des logis Valentin DUVAL

From the 2nd Foreign Engineer Regiment

  • Le sergent-chef Andreï JOUK

Story by Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands

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Attn: Media Section
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands