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General Domröse Praises German Military Chaplaincy

The Commander of the NATO Response Force 2016, General Hans-Lothar Domröse, conveyed his appreciation of the work of the German military chaplaincy during a visit of the Protestant Military Bishop, Sigurd Rink on 26 and 27 January, to JFC Brunssum.  General Domröse took the opportunity to express his gratitude to all military pastors for their unwavering support of soldiers, especially when coping with grief and when dealing with the traumatic experiences that often accompany deployments to war zones.  Drawing upon his own experience with military chaplains from missions in Kosovo and Afghanistan Domröse said: "We always happily went to the Pastor.  Pastors are something like an institution in the daily lives of soldiers”.
Part of the visit program was a church service at the headquarters of the Commander.  This was attended by some 70 soldiers and civilian employees.  Military Bishop Rink was supported by Military Dean Reinhard Gorski from Dusseldorf in the conduct of the service.

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