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Oct 22 2019

German National Day celebrated at JFC Brunssum

Brunssum, The Netherlands - On the 17th October the German Delegation, led by Colonel Günter Thiermann, the German Senior National Representative Allied Headquarters Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFCBS), hosted the traditional annual German Reception and welcomed guests from the Headquarters, surrounding military entities and other institutions in the area.

The evening was opened by the Commander Joint Force Command Brunssum, General Erhard Bühler. He addressed the audience with a warm welcome and reflected on the incident that happened in Germany 30 years ago: the Fall of the Berlin Wall. That moment “was no national event, it was rather one benchmark among many, it was the culmination point at which many European societies across the borders decided that they would put an end to dictatorship”, General Bühler highlighted. He narrated his personal view of that time and the following years after the reunification of both German countries. “What we felt and what we feel is, above all, gratitude, that the revolution in Eastern Germany had been largely peaceful”, the General underlined. He ended with a toast to those who showed the courage at that time to formulate the demand for freedom and democracy.

Providing a dignified finale to the evening, German Army Music Corps from Koblenz played an arrangement of military music. Of significant note was the last song, “Lily Marleen”, which provided a fitting end to the evening.

Story by Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands

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6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands