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International Leadership Seminar Programme in the AFNORTH International School

Brunssum, the Netherlands - On 16 January one of JFC Brunssum’s staff officers, Captain Linda Schrader, visited the AFNORTH International School to deliver an inspirational talk as part of the school’s International Leadership Seminar Programme.  Captain Schrader spoke about her experiences of leadership, life, setting and achieving goals and not being afraid to fail.  In an interactive session with students she provided advice based upon her own experiences and imparted wisdom on what young students can do in pursuit of happy and successful lives.

The seminar is one of the 7 planned to be conducted in the school year 2018/19 and provided by staff working at JFC Brunssum.  Commander JFC Brunssum, General Marchiò, kick-started the programme last September; he was followed by Wing Commander Toby Sawbridge and  Mr. Andrew Rogers.

The next seminar is planned for the 21st of February and will be given by Colonel Ivo Murmanis.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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The Netherlands

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