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JFC Brunssum Allied International Marching Team, Final Preparations for Nijmegen.

Brunssum, Netherlands – The third marching event for the JFC Brunssum Allied International Marching Team unravelled in Diekirch, Luxembourg, 10 and 11 June.
Already well prepared in the 2017 "Sittard Mars” and "Blankenberge Tweedaagse” marches , the team pressed on for 80 kilometres over two days but, this time, also coping with an altitude gain of 1800m.  Diekirch undoubtedly provided a good final rehearsal for the "Nijmegen 4-daagse” which will be the culminating point of the 2017” JFC Brunssum marching team programme.  Nijmegen comprises four days marching of 40 kilometres per day and attracts circa 38.000 participants.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands

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