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JFC Brunssum Celebrates the Birthday of the King of the Netherlands, His Majesty, King Willem-Alexander

In a magnificently decorated International Community Centre (ICC), the Dutch hosted their fellow JFC Brunssum and local colleagues to a reception in honour of the King.  With attendees attired in evening gowns, mess dress uniforms and black tie, the atmosphere assumed an appropriate mood for a Royal birthday.
Major General Hans van Griensven, the Dutch senior national officer at JFC Brunssum, addressed those present: ‘Old, young, military, civilians, friends and enemies… On behalf of the King, I welcome you tonight’.
At the end of his speech, he invited all attendees to sing the national anthem.
The celebration of King Willem-Alexanders’ birthday is not only a traditional event of the Dutch JFC Brunssum community, but a national and a worldwide Dutch event. Everywhere in the Netherlands or abroad, Dutch military units, civilian companies, governments and associations organize a King’s Day reception to celebrate His Majesty’s birthday.

The official Dutch King’s Day, 27th April, is a national holiday in the Netherlands. Many Dutch people have taken to the habit of dressing in the national colour, orange, each King’s Day as a symbol of allegiance to the King.
For more photos follow this link.

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Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands

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