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Students from Maastricht University visit JFC Brunssum

Brunssum, Netherlands – 27 March JFC Brunssum was happy to host a visit by postgraduate students from Maastricht University who are near completion of a Master’s Degree in disaster risk response management. 
Presentations were given to provide an insight as to the type of support the military can provide to the civilian community in times of crises.
JFC Brunssum briefers, including the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations (Major General Scott Smith), outlined the potential for military cooperation with government agencies, international and non-governmental organizations in order to prepare for a crisis situation in advance and take immediate action where one erupts. 
The students were actively involved during the presentations and were invited to think about how they would set up a refugee camp for 10,000 people.  A highly interactive serial completed with an extended question and answer session enjoyed by students and briefers alike.
Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands

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6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands