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JFC Brunssum Participates in Italian Ski Championships

Brunssum, the Netherlands – A multi-national team from JFC Brunssum participated in the Italian Mountain Troops Ski Championships (Campionati Sciistici delle Truppe Alpine (C.a.S.T.A.)) held in Piedmont (Italy) 05 to 10 March.

A wide range of competitions advocating winter military skills challenged and enhanced the participants knowledge of alpine conduct.

This was the 70th anniversary of the competition with more than 1500 Alpini troops competing in the 2006 Olympic winter park with partners and allies.  The over-arching theme of the event was safety in an alpine environment.  Pragmatically the theme was delivered via a conference followed by displays and exercises of military and civilian capacities in the mountains in a winter environment.

The JFC Brunssum element participated in the Friendship Trophy challenge together with eleven national teams, representatives of the Italian ‘Alpini’ Association and multinational headquarters.  This was considered by all a wonderful opportunity to engage and strengthen the bonds of partnership in different and challenging conditions.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands

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