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JFC Brunssum Participation in Limburg Veterans Day at Roermond

Brunssum, the Netherlands - Saturday June 22, the 15th Limburg Veterans Day was hosted by the town of Roermond. The province of Limburg is home to approximately 5500 veterans and this was a special event to honor them. The program was focused on the brave men and women who enjoy the status of ‘veteran’ out of respect for the risks they took so that we can enjoy peace today. 
In the morning, a remembrance ceremony took place at the National Remembrance Park in Roermond. The Governor of Limburg, Mr. drs. Th.J.F.M Bovens, as well as the Mayor of Roermond, Mrs Donders-de Leest, addressed the veterans. Lieutenant General Skeates, Deputy Commander JFC Brunssum, laid a wreath at the monument at the National Remembrance Park. 
In the afternoon veterans of all ages paraded through the center of Roermond supported by military music. The parade was followed by a social event were veterans and their families were reunited with each other. 
JFC Brunssum was represented in the remembrance ceremony, parade and social event by an international platoon of soldiers stationed in Brunssum. The Brunssum platoon marched through the center of Roermond and represented the Brunssum military base in a magnificent way. 
Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office and Pictures by Herbert Moller

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6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands

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