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JFC Brunssum Personnel Brief Sittard School Students on Symbolism of the Poppy

Brunssum, the Netherlands – A small team comprising Chief Petty Officer Robin Steenson and Corporal Kerrie Darlington briefed Trevianum School students 25 and 26 October on the history, symbolism and global importance of the poppy in terms of remembrance. 

Underlining the incredible sacrifice made by servicemen and women throughout history so that, today, we can enjoy peace and freedom, the briefings proved popular with students and generated a range of questions.

Mr Barry Mellor was also in attendance and provided an overview of the utility of NATO plus the roles and responsibilities of JFC Brunssum.

Special thanks for making this event possible go to Tedje Versteegh & Karin van Heeswijk of the Sittard War Graves Committee and Laura Wijnen, a very helpful teacher at Trevianum School. 

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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The Netherlands

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