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May 26 2023

JFCBS team dominates French Army Orienteering Championship

The National Orienteering Championship of the French Army, organized by the Military Schools of Bourges, was held from 18th to 20th April 2023 in Bourges, France.

A hundred athletes from across the Armée de Terre gathered to compete, giving their very best in order to represent their unit colours in three races: the urban sprint, the unit relay and a long distance run.


Three soldiers from JFCBS, OF-2 Lionel, OR-8 Aurélien and OR-7 Loïc, participated in the event, winning a hard-fought unit relay race as a team ahead of the Engineering school of Angers and the 54th Signal Regiment after race.

Winning first place opens the door to the National Military Orienteering Championship, held in Fontainebleau from 14th to 16th November 2023.

One of the three JFCBS representatives, OF-2 Lionel, climbed to the top step of the podium two more times by winning the individual urban sprint, as well as the long distance race.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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