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Le Beaujolais Nouveau est arrivé! 

Brunssum, the Netherlands - JFC Brunssum’s International Conference Centre hosted the celebration of the French new vintage "Le Beaujolais Nouveau’, 22nd November.

Hundreds of participants joined their French colleagues to share a glass of one of the youngest wines on the market.  As the name implies, Beaujolais Nouveau is "new” - young - and is bottled not even two months after the grapes are crushed.   It is specifically intended to be consumed pretty much immediately, so drink in the youth.
The exact day for the release of the Beaujolais was established back in 1985 when it was decided that the third Thursday in November would be the uniform release date.
This year winemakers announced that 2018 was a 'sunny and fruity vintage', in keeping with the warm atmosphere and ambiance during the event!  A wonderful evening was enjoyed by all.
Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands

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