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NATO Civilians Awarded for Long Service

Brunssum, Netherlands - On a pleasantly sunny afternoon NATO International Civilian staff working on the JFC Brunssum site gathered to pay their respects to the long service of colleagues.  Rear Admiral Simon Hardern (JFC Brunssum Deputy Chief of Staff (Plans)) made a rousing speech underlining the critical role played by civilian staff day-to-day within the Alliance structure and in the mission environment.  ‘Civilians bring a raft of skills not normally found in the military and provide essential continuity’, he explained.
Following Rear Admiral Hardern’s remarks the Master of Ceremonies, Mr Klaus Nielsen, read a summary of each recipients’ career before they were awarded their certificates.  On this occasion Mrs Manuela Tegethoff-Belau and Mr Johannes Janssen were rewarded for 15 years of service, whilst Mr William Pickwell gained official recognition for reaching the milestone of 35 years of service.

On completion of the official element of the ceremony award recipients and colleagues enjoyed an informal cocktail party.
Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands

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