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NATO Civilians Summer BBQ

Brunssum, Netherlands – On Wednesday 06 Sep the Brunssum Civilian Staff Association organized their annual summer BBQ at the International Conference Centre.  In keeping with past years the event was immediately preceded by a briefing of relevance to the majority – this time Mr Axel Reichl (Head of the Pensions Unit at NATO HQs) gave a briefing on the Defined Contributions Pension Scheme.  On completion he took questions and then held a number of one-to-one discussions with individuals who had specific issues to raise.
Luckily the weather remained cool but dry and the BBQ was enjoyed by a significant number of NATO International Civilians working on the Brunssum site.  On this occasion it was also pleasing to note the attendance of colleagues from the Uedem Combined Air Operations Centre.  All in all the day was a great success.
Many thanks to both those who attended and those who organized this most worthwhile event.
Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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The Netherlands

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