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JFC Brunssum HQ Enlargement.

Brunssum, Netherlands - Thursday 19 January, all JFC Brunssum staff had the opportunity to have a look inside the new wing, which is currently under construction.  Visitors saw for themselves that since the ground breaking ceremony on 14th March 2016 by the JFC Brunssum Chief of Staff (COS), Lieutenant General Adamzcak, we are steadily approaching completion and hope to have everything up and running before the grand opening in the summer.

The project was created to meet the requirement for additional office space to cope with the uplift of personnel allocated to JFC Brunssum in 2012. The work comprises construction of a new wing, providing 2,015 m2 of office space, a new staff restaurant, a new VVIP entrance as well as renovation works in the existing building to enhance the entrance area and to realize sufficient un-classified conference facilities.
From the summer of this year we will have suitably equipped and sized working areas for all staff working at JFC Brunssum.  The HQ façade will then be modernised at no extra costs and the restaurant will be constructed / refurbished to modern standards.  The conference facilities will be modernised to facilitate the hosting of non-classified conferences with external participants and / or the media.  The new facility will significantly enhance JFC Brunssum’s ability to conduct its tasking.
Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands

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6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands