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Roermond Remembrance Ceremony 2018

Brunssum, the Netherlands - Lieutenant Colonel (Rtd.) Math Weijers, former Chairman Roermond Branch of the Wapenbroeders) moderated a thoughtful and moving act of remembrance at the Roermond Old Cemetery Chapel, Sunday 15 April.

In a ceremony including speeches by the Mayor of Roermond (Mrs Rianne Donders-de Leest) and Air Commodore Andrew Huggett (Senior RAF Officer, JFC Brunssum) respects were paid to the WWII crews of RAF aircraft shot down in the region and Dutch members of the resistance.
Amongst others, wreaths were laid by the Mayor of Roermond, Air Commodore Huggett, the JFC Brunssum Canadian Senior National Representative (Lieutenant Colonel Patrick MacNamara - two Royal Canadian Air Force personnel were part of the crews of RAF aircraft laid to rest at the Roermond Old Cemetery), the JFC Brunssum Netherlands Senior National Representative (Colonel Edwin Altena) and students from the Children Synergie School (who also recited poems specially written for the occasion).
Mr Jonathan Kay (son of Flying Officer Kenneth Holme who was a crew member of the downed Halifax DK 207, of 76 Squadron RAF) recited a Jewish prayer for his ancestor.
Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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The Netherlands

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