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Roermond Remembrance Ceremony

Brunssum, the Netherlands – Warrant Officer Emile van den Elshout, Chairman of the Roermond Branch of ‘De Wapenbroeders’, moderated a thoughtful and moving act of remembrance at the Roermond Old Cemetery Chapel, Sunday 28 April.
In a ceremony including speeches by the Deputy Mayor of Roermond (Mr. Frans Scheurs), the cultural/youth Mayor (Mr. Pepijn Afman), Group Captain Jeremy Johnson (Senior RAF Officer, JFC Brunssum) and children from the ‘Synergie School’, respect was paid to the crews of RAF aircraft shot down in the region during WWII as well as to Dutch members of the resistance and fallen Dutch military.
Amongst others, wreaths were laid by the Deputy Mayor of Roermond, Group Captain Jeremy Johnson, the JFC Brunssum Canadian Senior National Representative (Lieutenant Colonel Michael van Marum), the JFC Brunssum Netherlands Senior National Representative (Colonel Edwin Altena) and students from the ‘Synergie School.’
A procession was conducted visiting all the war graves at the cemetery.  These include allied Soldiers, Dutch military and Dutch resistance personnel. Next to each grave a soldier was positioned to honour the fallen. 
Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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