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Royal Netherlands Air Force Orchestra Performed a Charity Concert

The Royal Netherlands Air Force Orchestra performed a brilliant show in the community center " Brikke Oave " in downtown Brunssum. The charity concert organised by the KIWANI’s, a service club that is organised world-wide, generated a large amount of money for children’s projects in Brunssum. Mediator Ed Frieser thanked Colonel Klein and Lieutenant Colonel van Harten for their efforts to assist in making the event happen.

Air Commodore Paul Bomers the Financial Controller of JFC Brunssum , and ranking Royal Netherlands Air Force officer, addressed the audience and thanked the RNLAF Orchestra. He emphasized that the noise made by Dutch Air Force planes, was the sound of freedom however it was now sweetened by sounds of a completely different origin.  The orchestra members of the Royal Netherlands Air Force are all musicians by trade and performed to the highest level thinkable.
The audience was able to persuade the orchestra’s Chief conductor, Major Jasper Staps, to perform an extra song after a standing ovation. Finally Major Staps thanked the organisers after a very successful afternoon.
More photos by Wiel Lindelauf can be found here

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands

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