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Royal Netherlands Air Force Orchestra Performed a magisterial Show at NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen

On the 25th of May the Royal Netherlands Air Force Orchestra performed a magisterial show at NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen. The event was staged within an AWAC hanger where, despite the obvious distractions, the orchestra captivated the audience with an engaging audio-visual performance.
Colonel Edwin Altena, the JFC Brunssum Base Support Group Commander and ranking Royal Netherlands Air Force officer, addressed the mixed GK & JFCBS military and civilian audience and thanked the RNLAF Orchestra for donating their time, for free.
His counterpart from GK was Lieutenant Colonel Jürgen Welsch from NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen, and host for the event.
In wrapping up what was undoubtedly, a very successful event, the orchestra’s Chief conductor, Major Jasper Staps, thanked the organisers for their hospitality and the audience for their support.

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The Netherlands

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