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May 3 2023

Studio Europe Maastricht visits JFCBS

Brunssum, The Netherlands – Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum (HQ JFCBS) hosted 50 students of Maastricht University, on the afternoon of Tuesday 2nd May 2023.

After a welcome brief, the students received a command briefing and engaged in a conversation with NATO officials about the activities that take place in Brunssum. The students raised a variety of questions to the NATO panel consisting of the Political Advisor, and representatives from the Intelligence and Planning branches.


Studio Europe Maastricht is a centre of expertise for Europe-related debate and research. It was founded in 2018 and supported by the partners of the ‘Maastricht, Working on Europe programme’: Maastricht University, the Province of Limburg and the City of Maastricht. Together they aim to position Maastricht as a meeting place for citizen dialogue and establish a centre of excellence for research on Europe and European integration.

HQ JFCBS is one of NATO’s most important military headquarters, responsible for directing military operations in time of crisis. JFCBS is the only Operational-level headquarters in the NATO structure under the command of a European General.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands

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6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands