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The Importance of Remembrance

Brunssum, Netherlands: Friday 04 November, Wing Commander Johnny Briggs RAF, Flight Sergeant Nicci Burdett and Corporal Tommo Thompson gave a series of presentations and talks to pupils of the Trevianum School (Sittard) on the topics of remembrance and role of the armed forces.
A total of 217 students attended a presentation articulating the significance of the poppy, remembrance days and the sacrifices that have been made, and continue to be made, to preserve freedom and peace.
Following a video presentation including the Last Post at the Royal Albert Hall in 2015, it was time for the presenters to discuss their military jobs and lifestyles. During this session students were given the opportunity to try on a respirator, chemical protection clothing, helmet and flack jacket. The event proved a great success.
Composed jointly by: Sittard Wargraves Committee & JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands

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6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands