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Jun 25 2024

UK Ambassador visits JFCBS to celebrate the birthday of King Charles III

Brunssum, The Netherlands – Her Excellency Joanna Roper, UK Ambassador to the Netherlands, visited Headquarters Joint Force Command Brunssum (HQ JFCBS) on Thursday, 20th June, for the birthday celebrations of King Charles III.

The UK has always been an integral part of NATO and seeing all the national representatives here celebrating today’s event shows the unity of the Alliance Nations

Her Excellency’s visit to Brunssum began at AF North International School. During the visit the Ambassador toured the school, met students and staff, and viewed the children’s entries in the school’s King’s Portrait competition.

Ambassador Roper said “a global operation like NATO sees staff and their families moving together to new countries and new cultures. Supporting these NATO families, including the education of their children, is therefore vital. It was wonderful to meet pupils at JFCBS, and the dedicated staff here who work so hard to support the success and education of the students”.

After visiting the school, the Ambassador met with UK service personnel working within JFCBS, taking the opportunity to reward some of the UK personnel with medals for their dedication, hard work and professionalism at JFCBS.

The final event of the day was a King’s Birthday reception that brought together NATO staff from across the nations working at JFCBS, in celebration of King Charles III’s birthday.

“It is my honour to welcome Ambassador Roper to Joint Force Command Brunssum” said General Miglietta. “The UK has always been an integral part of NATO and seeing all the national representatives here celebrating today’s event shows the unity of the Alliance Nations.”

The event concluded with the Band of the Royal Marines, who performed a selection of music for the assembled guests.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands

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6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands