Brunssum, The Netherlands – Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFCBS) hosted about 100 students from nearby Zuyd University in a team-building activity at the JFCBS Sports Field Complex on Wednesday, 28
th August, 2024.
This marks the third year that JFCBS has hosted team-building events with Zuyd University. The students, who have just embarked on their academic journey in international relations, were accompanied by around 20 teachers and fourth-year mentor students, as well as supported by JFCBS staff.
The team-building activities were designed to help the students bond as a group, under the guidance of experienced facilitators. JFCBS staff also took the opportunity to familiarise the students with key NATO concepts and inform them about the continued relevance of NATO in today’s world.
One such exercise was “Team Identity,” where teams were tasked with designing a flag that included a crest or a logo and three core values. The students also had the chance to participate in debates, which helped them learn to navigate disagreements and differences of opinion while honing their public speaking skills.
Physical activities were also included, such as a challenge where teams had to carry a stretcher around a taped-out obstacle course while blindfolded, guided only by the verbal commands of one bystanding team member. This exercise relied on the student’s communication skills and required the teams to work together to achieve their objective. During the event, JFCBS staff were on hand to support the students and answer the students’ questions about NATO.
The event enabled participants to build a sense of cohesion by gaining insight into each other's personalities, strengths, and weaknesses. It also allowed students to get in contact with local NATO staff and to learn about JFCBS and NATO’s tasks, values and history.