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Sep 7 2022

Zuyd University Teambuilding Event

Brunssum, The Netherlands - On 31st August, a teambuilding activity involving around 150 students took place at the Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFCBS) Sport Field Complex. 

 The students – average age 18 – were entering the first year of their university degrees at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences. They were accompanied by 15 university staff and supported by 5 JFCBS military representatives._nato4

The teambuilding activities were designed to help the students form together as a group, under the supervision of experienced facilitators.

One such exercise was “Team Identity”. Teams had the task of designing a crest with a motto that reflected their core values and beliefs. They then had one minute to present the meaning of the crest and motto to the wider group.


Another exercise was “Leading the Blind”. Wearing blindfolds, teams had to carry a stretcher around a taped-out obstacle course, guided by the verbal commands of one un-blindfolded member. The exercise build communication skills and forced the teams to work together to achieve the objective.

Finally, the students took part in debates, helping them to learn how to handle disagreements and differences in opinion while practicing their public speaking skills. In the debates, two students debated a topic head to head, while the audience voted for whom they thought had made the most convincing arguments.

A great day was had by all, and by the end the participants had succeeded in building a sense of cohesion while also getting to know each other’s’ personalities, strengths and weaknesses.


Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands

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