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Operational Capabilities Concept Evaluation and Feedback Programme


The Operational Capability Concept Evaluation and Feedback Programme (OCC E&F) is a practical multipurpose military tool that serves as a vehicle for closer operational relationship between the Alliance and potential contributors to NATO-led operations by supporting partner efforts to develop forces that are fully interoperable and capable of operating with NATO standards and procedures.

The (OCC E&F) is a NATO directed evaluation program for aspiring partner nations seeking inclusion of specific units into the NATO reactionary forces division. It ensures NATO standards are met and contributes forces that are able to operate within the multi-national/multi-domain framework of NATO-led missions around the globe. Upon completion of the two to three year program, military units are formally certified and available for deployment in support of Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe tasking.

Established in 2012, the JFC Brunssum OCC Section directs, coordinates and conducts evaluations, and assists PFP nations with needed documentation and unit-level preparations, as well as subject matter expertise and administrative and financial support.

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Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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The Netherlands

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