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Allied International Marching Team (AIMT) Participated In The 100th ‘Nijmeegse Vierdaagse’

Nijmegen, Netherlands -  From 19 – 22 July, 22 members of the Allied International Marching Team (AIMT) from JFC Brunssum participated in the 100th ‘Nijmeegse Vierdaagse’, the  greatest walking event in the world with more than 46.000 participants.
The AIMT marched 40 kilometres a day for four consecutive days while wearing standard combat clothing and carrying a military backpack weighing at least 10 kilograms. The past week was also characterised by unusually high temperatures for the region, which reached 37 degrees Celsius on Wednesday and caused more than 2000 marchers to quit the march because of the extreme heat.  Along the way thousands of spectators applauded and supported the marchers, including sprinkling them with cold water. However on the Friday morning all the marchers were sprinkled in a completely different way. Thunderstorms lasting for several hours soaked all 46.000 walkers.
The 22 team members who successfully completed the 160-kilometre march were awarded the 4-Day Marches Cross by DCOS PLANS, Major General J.F.A.M van Griensven. After the medal parade, the AIMT marched on a five-kilometre victory parade along the Via Gladiola in downtown Nijmegen, where His Majesty the King Willem Alexander of the Netherlands applauded the marchers, making it an unforgettable moment for all who participated.
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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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The Netherlands

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