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American Ambassador & Military Representative to NATO Visit JFC Brunssum

03 October; The US Permanent Representative to NATO, Ambassador Douglas E. Lute, accompanied by the US Military Representative to NATO, Vice Admiral John Christenson, were hosted by General Salvatore Farina at JFC Brunssum.  A wide ranging exchange of views followed a series of briefings designed to articulate the evolving roles and responsibilities of the Headquarters and the status of work triggered by this year’s NATO Summit, in Warsaw, Poland.
Much discussion focused on the way in which NATO is enhancing its forward presence in the eastern part of the Alliance establishing four battle groups in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland.  These multinational, rotating battle groups demonstrate the strength of the transatlantic bond and make it clear an attack on an Ally would be considered an attack on the entire Alliance.  These units are purely defensive in nature, proportionate to the threat, and in-line with NATO nation’s commitments.

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The Netherlands


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