JFC Brunssum

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Bi-JFC Staff Talks

A long-standing arrangement between the Commanders of JFC Brunssum and JFC Naples to work more closely together became a reality on 26 April 2016.  On this day, JFC Brunssum hosted the bi-JFC staff talks comprising a predominantly flag-level party from JFC Naples, led by Admiral Mark E. Ferguson, III.  

Flying into the nearby NATO base at Geilenkirchen, the Naples team came to discuss a number of issues in which both headquarters are engaged and have a mutual interest; discussion topics included operational planning, support and engagement.  The morning comprised a plenary session in which Commander JFC Brunssum, General Salvatore Farina, led on behalf of the Brunssum team.  This continued into the afternoon while Commanders and Deputy Commanders met separately in a closed session to address areas of Command Group interest.  
Before the Naples team departed, both Commanders thanked the organisers, speakers and participants for a hugely useful exchange of shared experience, best practice and ideas for how the headquarters could cooperate more closely in the future. 

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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The Netherlands

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