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General Salvatore Farina Attends NATO Strategic Direction South Conference

Naples, 11/12 October: General Salvatore FARINA, Joint Force Command Brunssum Commander, attended a two-day NATO Strategic Direction South Conference.
Responding to an invitation from General Curtis M. SCAPARROTTI, Supreme Allied Commander Europe, General FARINA was delighted to participate in an event hosted by his fellow JFC Commander, Admiral Michelle HOWARD, Commander Allied Joint Force Command Naples, Italy.

Discussion focused on NATO's strategic direction in southern Europe. To help shape attendee input General FARINA provided the audience with Joint Force Command Brunssum’s experience in the North-East region. He particularly emphasized that, in the North-East, JFC Brunssum's Regional Focus initiative has successfully established a family of operational headquarters, resulting in a powerful network. This strong bond helps sustain a high level of regional understanding of security challenges amongst member and partner nations and, importantly, assists in the identification and prevention of security-related risks, provides a platform for consultation amongst the various stakeholders and generates a 360 degree synergy of effort.
Story by JFC Brunssum PAO

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6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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