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Commander JFC Brunssum Visits Finnish Chief of Defence

Helsinki, 23 June - Commander JFC Brunssum conducted a visit to Finland during which he met with the Finnish Chief of Defence, General Lindberg, and representatives of the Defence and the Foreign Affairs Ministers.

Amongst other issues, General Farina discussed the current security situation in Finland with his Finnish counterparts. Discussions focused on the country’s eastern borders, the high north and maritime issues in the Baltic Sea and Gulf of Finland.

General Lindberg, together with the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Peter Stenlund, and the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defence, Mr. Jukka Juusti, also provided General Farina with an overview of Finnish Armed Forces capability development initiatives and their extant contribution to NATO missions and operations.   Efforts to coordinate and cooperate military activities amongst nations from Northern Europe were touched upon in this briefing. Turning to the political, views and expectations appertaining to the upcoming Warsaw Summit, in particular the likely impact on military structures, processes and activities, were also shared.

At the conclusion of the trip General Farina stated: ‘This was an extremely helpful exchange of information. Finland continues to be a key partner for NATO and a great contributor to sustained peace and security in the Baltic region and Northern Europe.'

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