Stavanger, Norway - On Wednesday 30 November 2016, General Salvatore Farina, Commander JFC Brunssum chaired the TRIDENT JAVELIN 2017 Training Audience Commanders’ Conference in Stavanger. The conference was hosted by Major General Andrzej Reudowicz, Commander of the Joint Warfare Center.
The exercise TRIDENT JAVELIN 2017, a Command Post/ Computer Assisted Exercise without troops on the ground, will be the unique training event for NATO Command Structure Command and Control entities in November 2017 conducting a Major Joint Operation ‘Plus’ in a NATO Article 5 environment. At the same time, the exercise will provide the evaluation venue to certify command and control elements for the enhanced NATO Response Force 2018.
The conference was a milestone in preparing the exercise next year, as it set the scene to tailor the development of training inputs to the needs of all participants. Therefore, General Farina asked all attending Commanders during his opening remarks to "state and discuss the most important training requirements and issues in order to shape the scenario to best meet all of our needs.”
The open and productive discussions during the conference fostered the alignment of all involved stakeholders and facilitated the development of effective and common solutions. Looking ahead in further considering the next planning steps, General Farina emphasized that "we will find the path as we strive to achieve a common goal.” Elaborating on the strategic message sent by a NATO exercise of this dimension, he furthermore underlined that "our success directly reflects upon NATO’s effectiveness and relevance in today’s dynamic security environment.”
General Farina expressed his thanks to all Commanders and participants for their attendance and the great contribution to the positive result of this crucial conference.
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