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Comprehensive Approach Workshop at JFC Brunssum

JFC Brunssum hosted a Comprehensive Approach Workshop 27 and 28 September.  In addition to Headquarters’ staff, the workshop was attended by personnel from the Norwegian Joint & Defence HQs together with colleagues from the Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection, the Estonian Security and Defence Coordination Office, NATO HQs’ Civil Emergency Preparedness Branch, Multi-National Corps Northeast, the Joint Warfare Centre, the Lithuanian NATO Force Integration Unit and the NATO Civil/Military Cooperation Centre of Excellence.
The workshop provided an excellent opportunity for participants to present on their current and planned Civil Military Interaction activities and, in parallel, develop a broader comprehension of the perspectives of other stakeholders working in similar organizations in northern Europe.

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Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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6440AG Brunssum
The Netherlands

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