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Director NATO Centre of Exellence for Stability Policing visits JFC Brunssum

BRUNSSUM, Netherlands - On Tuesday 18 October Colonel Andrea Paris, Director of the NATO Centre of Exellence for Stability Policing (NATO COE SP), delivered a presentation to Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFCBS) personnel. After being introduced by the JFCBS Provost Marshal, Colonel Harm IJzermans, Colonel Paris shared his experience and explained the value of Stability Policing to NATO and, especially in the context of NATO's Resolute Support mission (Afghanistan) and future operations wherever they might be.
Stability Policing (SP) is a set of civil police-related activities conceptually framed within the process of stabilization and reconstruction of destabilized areas. SP aims to bridge the security gap in a Theatre of Operations in order to establish a safe and secure environment.
Over two decades NATO nations have been engaged in Stability Policing as it is considered central to the so-called comprehensive approach.
Story by Public Affairs Office, JFC Brunssum.

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Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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The Netherlands

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