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General Farina adresses high ranking decision makers in Garmisch-Partenkirchen

11  September; General Salvatore FARINA, Joint Force Command Brunssum Commander, was invited to address a panel of high ranking personalities during the Senior Executive Seminar organized by the George C Marshall Center in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.

The Senior Executive Seminar (SES) is an annual program focusing on critical security issues of our time, which is tailored to meet the needs of national ministers, ambassadors, legislators, admirals, general officers, and senior government officials.

In 2016, SES has focused on the question: "How Does ISIS End?” During his intervention General FARINA outlined NATO policy, describing the assets and efforts NATO and JFC Brunssum are putting together to help find a sustainable solution.  The Marshall Center brings together high-level military and civilian decision-makers, experienced counter-terrorism and law-enforcement practitioners, academic experts and representatives from key non-governmental organizations in order to expand and strengthen networks while seeking to develop more effective strategies to counteract ISIS, its supporters and its ideology.
Pictures credits : George C. Marshall Center photo by U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Amanda Moncada

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