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General Farina's First Staff Address

General Salvatore Farina, Commander JFC Brunssum, addressed his staff today.  In a rousing speech the General praised the accomplishments of his predecessor and acknowledged the huge amount of work that had enabled the HQs to achieve Full Operating Capability in NATO’s most recently adopted command structure, last December.  Looking to the future General Farina stressed there would be ‘no revolution but evolution’ as he settles into his new position and personnel should be assured that, under his leadership, ‘the oil tanker will not change direction hastily or without good reason’.

The new JFC Brunssum Commander underlined his commitment to three ‘frontline priorities’: the Resolute Support mission in Afghanistan; the Readiness Action Plan (RAP) together with the Assurance Measures package that flows from it; and, Regional Focus.  As the staff tackle these challenges the General’s guidance was that holistic comprehensive solutions involving military and non-military organizations should, wherever possible, be sought that, in turn, deliver ever closer military-civil cooperation.

With an eye to NATO’s Warsaw Summit in July 2016 General Farina stated that JFC Brunssum is ready to take over new commitments/adaptation measures as directed by the NATO chain of Command. Collective Defence, Crisis Management and Cooperative Security will remain the Alliance core tasks. The challenge will be to be capable and agile to fulfil these tasks in the complex and very demanding security environment where hybrid warfare, state and non-state actors are common features.

At the Operational Level of military command his view is that significant progress vis-à-vis RAP deliverables will be unveiled whilst, into the future, we should be able to obtain "operational anticipation” in order to understand, track, prevent, anticipate actions of potential adversaries, achieving successful deterrence and avoiding escalation.

General Farina completed his address by passing his best regards to all the families of his staff and encouraging each one to find time to dedicate to social activities and welfare.

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


JFCBS HQ Brunssum
PO box 270
6440AG Brunssum
The Netherlands

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Attn: Media Section
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands