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Italian Ambassador to NATO and Joint Force Air Command Commander Visit JFC Brunssum

His Excellency, Mr Claudio BISOGNIERO, Italian Ambassador to NATO and Brigadier General Paolo MAZZI, the Italian Joint Force Air Command Commander were hosted by General Salvatore FARINA, Joint Force Command Brunssum Commander.
During busy programmes  General Farina focused on NATO’s international commitments in which Brunssum is taking an active role.  JFC Brunssum's primary responsibilities include   the Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan, for which JFC Brunssum is the out of theatre headquarters, the NATO Response force, Assurance Measures and Regional Focus, where JFC Brunssum's focus is on the northern and north-eastern areas of Europe.
General MAZZI's visit was in addition the occasion for General FARINA to publicly thank the Italian JFAC Commander for the outstanding contribution of his headquarters to the success of the exercise Trident Juncture 15, last year in Spain.

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Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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The Netherlands

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