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JFC Brunssum Commander Begins to Bid Farewell

18-21 January: General Hans-Lothar Domröse, Commander JFC Brunssum, visited the Scandinavian countries of Denmark, Norway and Finland to conduct high-level security related discussions and bid farewell in advance of his March 2016 departure.
18 January brought an office call with the Danish Chief of Defence Staff, General Peter Bartram, and senior defence officials where developments underway within the Danish Armed Forces and current NATO initiatives were tabled.  The JFC Brunssum Senior National Representative from Denmark, Colonel Morten Danielsson, was in attendance.
19 January General Domröse paid a visit to the Norwegian Special Forces (SOF) training facility at Vealøs during which a high-speed interceptor craft (IC20M) became his mode of transport in the Oslo Fjord.  The commander of Norwegian Special Forces, Rear Admiral Nils Holte, provided a first class briefing to the General whilst he was at Vealøs.  The JFC Brunssum Senior National Representative from Norway, Brigadier General Torgeir Gråtrud, was in attendance.
20/21 January delivered discussions with the Permanent Secretary of the Finnish Ministry of Defence (Mr Jukka Juusti), Chief of Defence Staff (General Jarmo Lindberg) and senior officials.  Topics included the evolution of the Finnish Armed Forces and status of extant NATO initiatives.  The JFC Brunssum Senior National Representative from Finland, Colonel Jouni Laari, was in attendance.

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The Netherlands


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