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JFC Brunssum Hosts Delegation from Montenegro

Lieutenant General Janusz Adamczak, Chief of Staff Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum welcomed, on behalf of General Salvatore Farina, JFC Brunssum Commander, a group of Montenegrin opinion leaders, NGO officials and journalists.  A party of 16 visitors, led by Mr Radovan Bogojevic, DG for NATO and Security policy at the Montenegrin Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, were hosted at the International Conference Centre.  Amongst other issues they received briefings on NATO concepts, operational processes, current activities and challenges, and the JFC Brunssum working structure.
In his remarks, Lieutenant General Adamczak touched upon the primary roles of the headquarters: the NATO Response Force (NRF) where JFC Brunssum is fulfilling its 2016 Standby Command role; the Resolute Support mission in Afghanistan where JFC Brunssum is the out-of-theatre operational-level command; and Regional Focus where the headquarters continually enhances and sustains working relationships with NATO and non-NATO nations as well as crisis-focused organisations in northern Europe.  He grasped the opportunity to emphasize the role of Montenegro which has been playing an important role in the Partnership for Peace process since 2006.

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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PO box 270
6440AG Brunssum
The Netherlands

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The Netherlands