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JFC Brunssum mobile Training Team Completes Successful Armenia Workshop

Yerevan, 05 February - A Mobile Training Team (MTT) from Joint Force Command Brunssum conducted a combined Civil Military Cooperation, Strategic Communications, Public Affairs, Information Operations and Psychological Operations training workshop at the Armenian Ministry of Defence building, Yerevan, Armenia, during the period 01-05 February. The workshop took the students, the majority of whom had attended the initial 2015 MTT workshop, to the next level of subject-matter understanding.

Following an initial set of briefings, which used Trident Juncture 2015 as the basis for the roles employed by the above-mentioned disciplines, students were assigned to syndicates and tasked to provide solutions to a number of scenarios.

The course was very much hands-on and a great deal of information was imparted to, and received from, the students. Throughout the course the students, which included experienced civilian and military personnel, demonstrated a willingness to openly engage with each other and with the instructors; they formulated a wide range of options and presented well-structured and suitably detailed proposals.

On completion of the course the students were presented with their course completion certificates. All expressed a willingness to participate in further, advanced, training in the subjects taught.

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