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Joint Force Commander Visits HQ AIRCOM

RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany -- The Commander of Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum, Italian Army General Salvatore Farina, visited Headquarters Allied Air Command (AIRCOM) here, 28 June. The visit marked his first trip to AIRCOM since he took command on 4 March. He was welcomed by the AIRCOM commander, General Frank Gorenc, and provided mission briefs on AIRCOM’s key programmes, to include Ballistic Missile Defence, the Core Joint Force Air Component, and the 24/7 Air Policing mission.

 "AIRCOM serves a key role in executing our NRF mission and ensuring the success of the air component for our Joint Forces at NATO,” General Farina said. "While JFC Brunssum serves as the Joint Headquarters bridging between the NATO Command Structure and NATO Force Structure, I see AIRCOM as the foundation and the command and control epicenter for our Allied and Partner air forces executing NATO missions.”

 Based on anarticle by AIRCOM PAO

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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6440AG Brunssum
The Netherlands

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