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Norwegian Joint Staff College Visits JFC Brunssum

84 Students from Norway’s Joint Staff College called into JFC Brunssum with the objective of broadening their comprehension of NATO, developing their understanding of the security challenges confronting the Alliance, and gaining a first-hand impression of daily life in a multi-national joint operational-level headquarters.
Warmly welcome by the Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Janusz Adamczak, visitors were first provided a high-level overview of a number of ongoing initiatives including: the status of Readiness Action Plan deliverables; lessons learned from last year’s Exercise Trident Juncture; an update on the Alliance’s Resolute Support mission in Afghanistan; and issues related to our Regional Focus effort i.e. our objective to achieve and sustain improved connectivity with NATO and non-NATO military headquarters and security organizations throughout our Area of Responsibility.
In a comprehensive program, overseen by our Norwegian Assistant Chief of Staff (Plans), Brigadier General Torgeir Gråtrud, visitors seized the opportunity to interact and posed a number of thought-provoking questions.  The visiting delegation was led by Rear Admiral Louise Dedichen, Head of the Norwegian Defense University.

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The Netherlands


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